Module Catalogues

Fundamentals of Virology

Module Title Fundamentals of Virology
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 2.50

Aims and Fit of Module

The module provides an introduction to modern Virology. It aims to teach the fundamental aspects of the genetics, structure, and replication strategies of viruses.The basic techniques for cultivating and assaying viruses and the topics of viral disease, its control, and the evolution of viruses will also be introduced.

Learning outcomes

A. Describe the structures, replication cycle, and properties of viruses.
B. Define the concepts and principles to identify and propagate viruses.
C. Explain the concepts and principles of the main routes of transmission between virus and hosts.
D. Grasp the concepts and principles of the problems posed by viral infection and measures for virus control.
E. Summarize the concepts and principles of applications of viruses in medicine and modern molecular biology.
F. Apply scientific writing skills including proper citing.
G. Apply, evaluate and interpret this knowledge to solve problems in biology.

Method of teaching and learning

Course content will be delivered primarily via standard lectures that will be accompanied by
suitable lecture handouts (also available on the VLE). Students will also be guided to sections of specific textbooks and if reading of specific reviews or other literature sources is required then copies of these will be made available to the students. At intervals during the module, revision lectures/exercises (up to 2 per module) will allow the students to self- assess their understanding of the course. To accomplish learning outcome F, the students will be required to write a small essay including proper citing based on a review of scientific literature.