Aims and Fit of Module
The aim of this module is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of social changes and social development in the People’s Republic of China since the launch of its economic reforms and opening-up in 1978. This module also aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of social science literature and its application to the study of Chinese society. The module highlights the complex and important interactions between the state, market and society in shaping individuals’ life chances and state-society relations in general.
Learning outcomes
A Summarise and explain the main drivers and dimensions of social change in China since 1978.
B Explain the determinants of social policy and of its variabilities throughout the Reform era.
C Summarise the key debates in the academic literature on China’s social development.
D Apply a body of social sciences theory to critically evaluate the impact of economic policy and economic growth on social stratification and social development in China
E Summarise and explain the regional factors of social development, and their variability.
F Synthetise and explain key social development concepts such as community, inequality, progress, and to use these concepts to evaluate social development
G Demonstrate high level of communication skills
Method of teaching and learning
In the seminars students will able to have an in-depth discussion of weekly topics, and also to present their analysis of a specific topic from the syllabus. The essay plan and the essay will hone students’ analytical and writing abilities.