Aims and Fit of Module
This course explores how educators should design blended learning as a new mode of education rather than simply moving the onsite learning materials and delivery online or vice versa. This requires the understanding of blended learning as a whole instead of a simple combination of online technologies and in-person teaching materials. The key to designing blended learning is the use of online collaborative technology tools, such as communication tools and collaborative working tools in the blended classrooms innovative education mode as a whole. Online collaborative tools provide a new set of technologies that focus on the social collaborative aspect of the Internet, which include the use of open educational resources in some instances. These tools include, but are not limited to: learning management systems, wikis, webinars, image repositories, document sharing, and other tools. In addition, the infusion of online collaborative technologies into professional development allows educators the opportunity to utilize methods and strategies for effective collaboration beyond the walls of the classroom.
Learning outcomes
A Demonstrate a critical and deep understanding of the key concepts and practices of blended learning, including the technologies and their applications in the digital age
B Apply the skills and technologies of blended learning in different pedagogical contexts according to the purposes and conditions of education
C Critically examine, develop and evaluate the practices of blended learning in different educational settings, such as open education.
Method of teaching and learning
The teaching sessions are interactive and divided into three components: lectures and tutorials, and practicals. The lectures will introduce the key concepts, the tutorials and practicals will build on the materials and skills/technologies covered in the lectures. One or more methods will be used in teaching and learning such as online and onsite blended learning, e-learning, flipped classroom, project-based learning with technology. Both formative assessment and summative assessment will be applied, such as oral and written feedback and peer feedback and evaluation.