Aims and Fit of Module
The purpose of this module is to help students understand the role of the essential elements of assessing and evaluating student achievement. Centred around the three constructs of assessment: Assessment of Learning, Assessment as Learning, and Assessment for Learning, this module facilitates students’ critical engagement with the different purposes of assessment and their implications for educators and learners. Building upon their prior knowledge and experiences, students in this module will examine models of assessment and assessment types and how cognitive development can be measured and tracked through assessments and further select and create tasks and tools for fair and effective assessment.
Learning outcomes
A Implement ethical and professional standards for the practice of assessment and evaluation
B Analyze data from assessments to make appropriate instructional decisions
C Apply research-based approaches, methods, and materials for designing, implementing, and evaluating assessments in terms of Assessment of Learning, Assessment as Learning, and Assessment for Learning.
D Apply understanding of assessment and evaluation principles in evaluating individual, group, and institutional performance
Method of teaching and learning
The teaching sessions are interactive and divided into two components: lectures and tutorials. The tutorials focus on a deeper exploration of course content through discussions and debates, consolidating or applying previous learning.