Module Catalogues

Electronic Circuits and Systems

Module Title Electronic Circuits and Systems
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 5.00

Aims and Fit of Module

To understand how electronic circuits are designed.
To understand how electronic devices can be represented by simple, linear equivalent circuits.
To show how complex circuits can be sub-divided into building blocks and these blocks in turn represented by linear equivalent circuits which can be analysed using standard circuit techniques.
To understand the interaction between the building blocks to allow estimation of important systems parameters such as gain, input output resistance etc.
To appreciate the importance of negative feedback in improving electronic systems performance and tolerance.

Learning outcomes

A. Analyse
transistor amplifier
(small signal
transistor amplifier
circuit, current
mirror, high
amplifier type and
feedback topology,
and Miller effect).
B. Analyse
transistor amplifier
building blocks and
how they are
combined to perform
C. Demonstrate
transistor amplifier
performance and its
D. Design multistage
from the knowledge
of single transistor
E. Apply designed
skills to construct
transistor amplifier

Method of teaching and learning

This module will be delivered by a combination of formal lectures, problem solving and laboratory work