Module Catalogues

Advanced Database Management

Module Title Advanced Database Management
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 5.00

Aims and Fit of Module

This module builds upon the student's general understanding of database design and implementation from prior learning. It aims to discuss the key issues underpinning database management systems and their development, provides very practical database development skills, and introduces some current topics in database technology. In addition, the module contains a substantial practical element utilising database application development tools, aiming at enabling students to gain transferable skills in designing and developing relatively complex 'real life' database applications in business and management.

Learning outcomes

A. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the various key issues which affect database systems and their management.
B. Understand the practical issues, as well as their theoretical underpinning, pertinent to the development of modern database applications, including database development environment and tools.
C. Demonstrate an enhanced awareness of some current developments in database technologies, with the focus on the fields of business and management.
D. Design and develop substantial 'real life' database applications for a given business scenario, with a professional approach to the system documentation.

Method of teaching and learning

This module will be delivered by a combination of lectures and labs.
Lectures will introduce the designated topics in the syllabus, ranging from key aspects of database management and development to current database technologies.
Labs will facilitate students to gain adequate hands-on experience and practical proficiency of using the chosen database development environment and tools.