Aims and Fit of Module
The aim of this module is to build upon the students understanding of Microprocessor Systems to understand the concept, construction and implementation of embedded computer systems.
Learning outcomes
A. Discuss what is meant by an Embedded Computer System.
B. Describe the different types of embedded processors and their applications.
C. Understand how parallelism relates to Embedded systems (timing, pipelines and parallel resources).
D. Explain Memory Architectures and their importance in Embedded system design.
E. Be able to understand the design issues facing an Embedded system designer with relation to input/output hardware and software.
Method of teaching and learning
This module is delivered through lectures, tutorials and programming exercises.
Problems are embedded in lectures and there are a number of programming exercises that can be completed using ARM emulators that the students can download. Knowledge of the lecture material is tested by the use of the XJTLU student response system.