Module Catalogues

Networks and cities

Module Title Networks and cities
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 5.00

Aims and Fit of Module

The aim of this course is to increase awareness of the importance of transport and other emerging means of communication as an influence on the pattern of development, and the problems associated with the operation of transport and other infrastructure networks, especially in major urban centre, of which the planner needs to be aware.

Learning outcomes

A. Discuss the influence of transport on the pattern of urban development
B. Understand the characteristics of individual modes of passenger transport
C. Discuss how policies have hcanged with changing perceptions of 'the transport problem
D. Comprehend the background to contemporary debates about future directions for transport policy and management in larger towns and cities
E. Understand changing approaches to infrastructure network supply and management

Method of teaching and learning

A variety of teaching and learning methods are employed in the delivery of this module, including lectures and tutorial sessions.  The first section module is based around lectures supported by PowerPoint, and student led reading discussions and covers block 1 and 2 of the syllabus.  Section 2 of the module includes a field trip which provides the opportunity to explore issues of land use and transport planning integration and network planning (block 3 and 4 of the syllabus). Students are encouraged to relate their understanding and interest in a chosen transport topic to an area well known to them by completing an essay on that topic.  They are encouraged to contact local transport professionals to seek their views on the issue(s) under discussion.
*Should the University decide to cancel or postpone the field trip due to unforeseen environmental and/or political circumstances, the Department will either plan an appropriate substitute activity to meet the intended learning outcomes of the trip or make necessary arrangements to organise the trip at a later time, as appropriate.