Module Catalogues

Product Semantics and Aesthetics

Module Title Product Semantics and Aesthetics
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 5.00

Aims and Fit of Module

This module helps students understanding the importance of semantics and aesthetics in industrial design. Students explore in several exercises semantic and aesthetic aspects of color, materials, and form for design purposes. They will also analyze semantics and aesthetics aspects of an existing design and the context in which it was developed and presented.

Learning outcomes

A. Describe and relate to colors, materials and form characteristics of objects in a detailed way.
B. Develop and evaluate a basic color palette, material selection or form language.
C. Analyse how the appreciation of a design is influenced by its semantic and aesthetic characteristics.
D. Apply knowledge of basic cultural theory to design practice.

Method of teaching and learning

This module is delivered in a seminar style with some design studio characteristics (if student numbers permit). Some sessions in this module will be delivered by Language Centre tutors, with the aim of assisting students with language/study skills requirements for the module. Students will also be provided with online language/study skills support to help them engage with module content.