Module Catalogues

# Domain Code Mod Code Full Name Semester
1 EDS EDS444 Conducting Quantitative Research SEM1
2 EDS EDS445 Conducting Qualitative Research SEM1
3 EDS EDS446 Advanced Educational Research Studies SEM1
4 EDS EDS444 Conducting Quantitative Research ACYR
5 EDS EDS445 Conducting Qualitative Research ACYR
6 EDS EDS446 Advanced Educational Research Studies ACYR
7 EDS EDS440 Practice-based Inquiry in Education SEM1
8 EDS EDS441 Teaching, Learning and Assessment SEM1
9 EDS EDS401 Globalization And Education: Critical Perspectives SEM1
10 EDS EDS402 Entrepreneurship, Educational Innovation and International Education SEM2
11 EDS EDS403 Principles, Policies and Practices of Global Education SEM1
12 EDS EDS404 The School of Tomorrow: Managing Change in Global Education SEM2
13 EDS EDS405 Educational Leadership SEM1
14 EDS EDS406 Educational Internship SEM2
15 EDS EDS407 Culture And Learning SEM1
16 EDS EDS409 Education In The Asia-Pacific Region SEM2
17 EDS EDS410 The Student Experience In Global Education SEM2
18 EDS EDS411 Dissertation ACYR
19 EDS EDS411 Dissertation SEM1
20 EDS EDS414 Counselling in Child and Family Education: Practice and Skills SEM2
21 EDS EDS415 Family Education: Principles and Theories SEM2
22 EDS EDS416 Understanding Families in Educational and Community Settings SEM1
23 EDS EDS417 Child and Adolescent Mental Health SEM1
24 EDS EDS418 Educational Placement SEM2
25 EDS EDS419 Developing and Evaluating Programmes for Children and Families SEM1
26 EDS EDS420 Advanced Educational Research Method SEM2
27 EDS EDS421 Teaching and Learning for Children with Special Needs SEM1
28 EDS EDS422 Principles And Practices Of Administration Of K-12 Schools SEM1
29 EDS EDS423 Dissertation SEM1
30 EDS EDS424 Introduction To Research Methods SEM1
31 EDS EDS425 Development And Educational Psychology Across The Lifespan SEM1
32 EDS EDS426 Monitoring And Evaluation In Educational Systems And Organizations SEM2
33 EDS EDS427 Effective Practices In Student Affairs From A Global Perspective SEM2
34 EDS EDS428 Teaching, Learning And Assessment SEM2
35 EDS EDS429 Curriculum Design In International Context SEM2
36 EDS EDS430 Administration And Organization In Higher Education SEM2
37 EDS EDS431 Designing Digital Education Curriculum SEM1
38 EDS EDS432 Education in a Digital Society SEM1
39 EDS EDS433 Designing and Practicing Digital Education SEM2
40 EDS EDS434 Digital Media and Information Literacy SEM2
41 EDS EDS435 Blended Learning in a Digital Age SEM2
42 EDS EDS436 Syntegrative Learning SEM1
43 EDS EDS437 Research Project SEM2
44 EDS EDS438 Curriculum Design in International Context SEM2
45 EDS EDS439 Internationalization and Chinese Education Context SEM2
46 EDS EDS442 Engaging with Educational Literature ACYR
47 EDS EDS442 Engaging with Educational Literature SEM1
48 EDS EDS442 Engaging with Educational Literature SEM2
49 EDS EDS443 Educational Research: Theory and Practice ACYR
50 EDS EDS443 Educational Research: Theory and Practice SEM1
51 EDS EDS443 Educational Research: Theory and Practice SEM2
52 EDS EDS444 Conducting Quantitative Research SEM2
53 EDS EDS445 Conducting Qualitative Research SEM2
54 EDS EDS447 Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning: Research And Practices SEM2
55 EDS EDS448 Social and Affective Development of Gifted Students SEM1
56 EDS EDS449 Introduction To Research Methods SEM1
57 EDS EDS450 Principles & Practices In Early Childhood Education SEM2
58 EDS EDS451 Teaching, Pedagogy, And Design SEM2
59 EDS EDS452 Educational Counseling And Coaching SEM2
60 EDS EDS453 Achievement, Motivation, And Support SEM1
61 EDS EDS454 Assessment and Evaluation in Student Development SEM2
62 EDS EDS455 Supporting Students with Special Learning Needs SEM2