Module Catalogues

Advanced Information Systems and Decision-Making in Accounting

Module Title Advanced Information Systems and Decision-Making in Accounting
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 5.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

This module aims to help students understand advanced topics in information systems in accounting. This module will provide students with hands-on experience of using ERP simulation systems, analyzing business data using statistical software, and formulating business strategies within a dynamic, real-time context.

Learning outcomes

A Demonstrate understanding of the concepts underlying enterprise systems; B Create, execute, and adapt a business strategy through ERP simulation system; C Analyze business data using software; D Understand the application of advanced information systems in real-world accounting profession.

Method of teaching and learning

This module will be delivered via a combination of lectures and tutorials. Lectures are designed to cover the concept and cases for each topic. Tutorials will show how to operate system and collect and analyze data. All course materials will be available on Learning Mall. Office. Office hours will be available every week for consultations.