Module Catalogues

Pre-Masters English Course

Module Title Pre-Masters English Course
Module Level Level 4
Module Credits 10.00
Academic Year 2024/25
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

To equip students with the requisite skills for success in their subsequent postgraduate studies, enabling them to advance to the Master's programmes offered by Entrepreneur College (Taicang) upon the successful completion of the Pre-Masters English course. Furthermore, this module will benefit students, especially those graduating from local universities, by helping them adapt to an international academic environment and life in an English-as Medium of Instruction and multicultural community.

Learning outcomes

A Select and evaluate appropriate sources relating to their field of study with a degree of independence. B Produce an extended piece of academic writing on a topic related to their field of study that demonstrates an ability to express and support a stance (developed through argument). C Deliver a presentation on a topic related to their field of study that demonstrates an ability to express and support a stance (developed through argument). D Actively listen, respond to, and engage with peers in a seminar or other type of academic discussion. E Develop and engage with reflective learning and critical thinking processes. F Demonstrate competence in strategies to recognize, understand and avoid plagiarism, collusion and the embellishment of data.

Method of teaching and learning

Classroom delivery, including smaller tutorials and seminars, will be supplemented by regularly assigned guided self-study activities (both assessed and non-assessed). Throughout this module, tutors will use communicative language teaching and learning strategies to cater to different types of learners. Asynchronous learning tasks will be assigned each week and students are expected to spend a minimum of seven hours per week working independently on these tasks. One-to-one tutorials and peer review sessions will be held throughout the course to provide different types of formative feedback on students’ assessment tasks. Note: The final speaking coursework assessments will typically take place during a teaching week.