Module Catalogues

Research Methods for Cultural and Creative Industries

Module Title Research Methods for Cultural and Creative Industries
Module Level Level 4
Module Credits 5.00
Academic Year 2024/25
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

Aims: This module will enable students to develop their critical thinking skills and aims to develop their background for postgraduate research related to cultural and creative industries. The goal in following an interdisciplinary perspective is to enable the students, working jointly with others representing diverse disciplines, to develop and use shared conceptual frameworks that draw upon discipline-specific concepts, theories, and methods, but address common issues in the context of cultural and creative industries. The theme of this module is the means through which research can contribute to knowledge and practice in cultural and creative industries. The topics of this module cover the philosophy of scientific research; postgraduate-level analysis of the history and theoretical foundations of current scholarship in cultural and creative industries; development of synergistic collaborations with other disciplines; and direction in formulating a relevant research topic. Obejctives: The objectives of this course are to provide students with 1) an overview of the process of doing research, discovery, and change to enable them to place their research rationale in context; 2) skills to think critically about the applicability and adoption of research techniques in industry or academia; and 3) an interactive environment in which conceptual and trendy issues design can be raised and discussed.

Learning outcomes

A Identify critically the methodological frameworks of research applicable in cultural and creative industries B Critically analyse the key research findings and identify their implications with regards to social, economic and practical agendas in cultural and creative industries C Acquire advance data collection skills and apply appropriately with quantitative, qualitative, mixed, or practice-based approache to an identified research initiative

Method of teaching and learning

Lectures will be used to teach and review the theoretical aspects of research methods. Seminar sessions will allow students to discuss and exchange their understanding of specific research methods and their applications. Tutorials on data collection and analysis will be provided to train students in gathering and analysing data to elicit informative findings.