Module Catalogues

Automotive and Aerospace Supply Chains

Module Title Automotive and Aerospace Supply Chains
Module Level Level 3
Module Credits 2.50
Academic Year 2024/25
Semester SEM2

Aims and Fit of Module

The aim of the module is to provide students automotive industry benchmark: “Toyota: how it effectively manages and operates supply chain” The module covers an extensive range of subjects, including supply chain strategy, production planning, supplier management, logistics, etc. The module enables student to: (i) understand Toyota Way of supply chain management in automotive industry, (ii) understand process details with practical example how Toyota manage supply chain (iii) identify what is unique of Toyota from its best practice and know how non-automotive industry learn from the Toyota Way supply chain management. In that this is an optional module, to well utilise the university resource, the module delivery is subject to meeting a minimum number of students (10).

Learning outcomes

A. assess automotive OEM plant by v4L framework
B. make a Heijunka production planning and Mix planning
C. identify characteristics of the Toyota Way of managing supply chains
D. demonstrate understanding of the practical implications and application of the Toyota Way of supply chain management

Method of teaching and learning

The teaching philosophy of the module follows very much the philosophy of Syntegrative Education. This has meant that the teaching delivery pattern, which follows more intensive block teaching, allows more meaningful contribution from industry partners. This philosophy is carried through also in terms of assessment, with reduction on the use of exams and increase in coursework, especially problem-based assessments that are project focused. The delivery pattern provides space in the semester for students to concentrate on completing the assessments. The module will be delivered by a combination of lectures and labs/practicals. Formal lectures including classroom exercises, automotive industry practice sharing by external guests; OEM plant and dealer visit, Automotive supply chain case study In that this is an optional module, to well utilise the university resource, the module delivery is subject to meeting a minimum number of students (10).