Module Catalogues

Work Placement

Module Title Work Placement
Module Level Level 4
Module Credits 20.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

This module is designed to provide students with valuable work experience through a 1-semester work placement which fits with the learning activities of this program. This module provides students with a structured opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge gained in the MSc Digital Business programme to real-world business contexts. Through a work placement, students will experience practical aspects of digital business and gain valuable insights into industry operations and best practices. The aims of the Module includes: * To enable students to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills in a professional environment. * To provide practical insights into the operations, challenges, and opportunities within the digital business landscape. * To foster professional networking and enhance employability prospects upon graduation. * To encourage reflection on professional practice and personal development.

Learning outcomes

A Apply digital business theories in a real-world context. B Critically evaluate business strategies and operations in a digital context. C Collaborate effectively within a professional team setting. D Reflect on personal strengths, weaknesses, and areas for further professional development

Method of teaching and learning

The teaching philosophy of this module aligns with the principles of Syntegrative Education. This approach fosters a dynamic learning experience that encourages meaningful collaboration with industry partners. The learning and teaching approach is designed to ensure students gain valuable insights and skills during their placement. Students will complete a minimum of 552 placement hours within an appropriate digital business setting. 1. Supervision: Each student will have two supervisors during their placement: an Academic Supervisor and an Industry Supervisor. 1) Academic Supervisor * The Academic Supervisor plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between academic theory and practical implementation. * They provide continuous support, guidance, and constructive feedback throughout the placement period. * The Academic Supervisor ensures that the placement aligns with the module's learning outcomes and objectives. 2) Industry Supervisor * An Industry Supervisor is to facilitate the integration of the student into the working environment. * They act as a point of contact for the student and the Academic Supervisor, promoting effective communication. * The Industry Supervisor provides valuable guidance and mentorship to the student during the placement. * They play a role in confirming the accuracy of the student’s log book. 2. Placement Project Agreement * The school has collaborated with various industry partners to offer work placement opportunities for students. The nature and scope of the placement project are collaboratively determined by the student, the Academic Supervisor, and the Industry Supervisor. This collaborative approach ensures that the project is both appropriate and relevant to the objectives of the MSc Digital Business program. * Students also have the autonomy to source their own placements, subject to school approval on the position and job description. This approach ensures that the project is both appropriate and relevant to the objectives of the MSc Digital Business program. If a student sources their own placement, they are required to sign a formal agreement with the company. 3. Tutorials and Guidance * Periodic guidance and feedback sessions with the Academic Supervisor are an integral part of the placement experience. These sessions support students in reflecting on their learning journey and addressing any challenges they may encounter. 4. Reflective Journaling * Students are required to maintain a reflective journal, which should encompass bi-weekly log book throughout their placement. These documents capture the student's progress, experiences, and insights. * The Reflective Journal are submitted to the Academic Supervisor for assessment.