Background Robotic systems have become more and more pervasive across different industries and sectors in recent years. However, while there are many positive aspects of deploying robotics, it is important to understand the sustainability implications of these technologies. A deeper understanding of sustainability principles and how they intersect with robotics is necessary for students to be competent in designing, evaluating, and deploying robotic systems in a sustainable way. Aims: The aims of this module are to: • Provide students with a strong understanding of sustainability principles, their application to robotics, and tools for evaluating and designing sustainable robotic systems. • Students will learn about renewable energy sources, power management strategies, materials selection, and other critical factors involved in ensuring the sustainability of robotic systems. • Students will also have the opportunity to practice using numerical computing software like MATLAB and SolidWorks to simulate and analyze sustainability impacts of robotic systems. Fit of Module RBE201TC A - Robotics and Sustainability is a conducted for students interested in robotics and sustainability, especially those studying in engineering and computer science. This module is particularly relevant to students interested in pursuing careers in the field of robotics, who need a fundamental understanding of sustainability to ensure they design systems that minimize environmental impact, maximize efficiency, and reduce energy consumption. The module aligns with programme objectives of training students in relevant technical skills and analytical approaches while ensuring they integrate practical and ethical considerations into their work. Moreover, it prepares students to engage with industry 4.0, digital twins, digital manufacturing, robotics and autonomous systems, which demand a deep understanding of sustainability principles to promote ethical and responsible deployment of these technologies.
A Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of sustainability principles and apply them to solve real-world challenges in the field of robotics. B Apply MATLAB for simulating robotic systems, showcasing proficiency in utilising simulation tools to model and analyse system behavior. C Create MATLAB code to analyse and visually represent data from robotic systems, demonstrating practical coding and analytical skills. D Utilise SolidWorks for component assembly, conduct kinematic and motion simulations, and perform static/dynamic force simulations with a finite element analysis approach, showcasing comprehensive skills in CAD and simulation.
The teaching philosophy of the module follows very much the philosophy of Syntegrative Education. This has meant that the teaching delivery pattern, which follows more intensive block teaching, allows more meaningful contribution from industry partners. This philosophy is carried through also in terms of assessment, with reduction on the use of exams and increase in coursework, especially problem-based assessments that are project focused. The delivery pattern provides space in the semester for students to concentrate on completing the assessments. This module is delivered with a combination of delivery in lectures, laboratory exercise, tutorials and a seminar at the end of the delivery. Lectures and group discussions are conducted using the Problem-Based Learning paradigm focusing on student-centred learning, where students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to address open-ended problems that lack a straightforward solution. This module is taught with an emphasis on student learning through practice and by projects, facilitated by a module leader, and where appropriate, industrial mentors. Students can identify particular areas of learning needs or interests according to the available project(s). They will conduct independent research to gather information and resources to better define the problem. Progress towards the learning outcomes will be facilitated and monitored, where students are guided to progressively address the given problem through tasks. Independent learning will form an important aspect of the educational activities in this module. The concepts introduced during the lecture are illustrated using step-by-step analysis of example code, complete case studies and live programming tutorials. In the laboratory practice, students will have opportunities to solve a set of exercises during the laboratory classes under the supervision of the lecturer and the teaching assistant. Assessed by a project, students shall gain practical experience in undertaking independent study and research on industry-focused real-world problems. At the end of the delivery, there will be a few seminars to introduce sustainability.