Module Catalogues

Communication Skills for Personal Success

Module Title Communication Skills for Personal Success
Module Level Level 0
Module Credits 2.50
Academic Year 2024/25
Semester SEM2

Aims and Fit of Module

This module aims to provide knowledge and skills on a set of communication skills that enables beneficial behavioural traits for students’ future study and work. Students will learn about: how to create, organize and deliver various types of presentations for influence and impact; how to understand the dynamics and play a contributing role in a team; and how to strive in influencing others to achieve collaborative goals. This module is suitable for students who previously have little experience or systematic learning in these topics, or those whose future prospective discipline or career could require possession of these skills.

Learning outcomes

A Demonstrate reflections in becoming an impactful presenter
B Demonstrate understandings in playing a contributing team role
C Demonstrate fundamental knowledge in influencing strategies and tactics

Method of teaching and learning

Lectures combined with cases studies, exercises, and interactive activities (such as role-playing) as needed.