Module Catalogues

Foundations of Financial Accounting

Module Title Foundations of Financial Accounting
Module Level Level 1
Module Credits 5.00
Academic Year 2024/25
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

This module provides students with a broad understanding of introductory financial accounting. It covers key accounting concepts such as the principles of double entry book keeping and the preparation of basic financial statements.

Learning outcomes

A Be able to describe the nature and the purposes of financial accounting.
B Understand the regulatory frameworks that govern the preparation of financial statements.
C Understand the different legal forms of a business.
D Explain the concepts and conventions underlying financial accounting.
E Understand the principles of double entry book keeping.
F Be able to prepare basic financial statements for different types of entities.

Method of teaching and learning

Lectures will cover accounting principles and the preparation of financial statements. Tutorials, on the other hand, will be used for practical application and group discussions. Interactive Communications Environment (ICE), XJTLU's virtual learning environment, will be used to distribute lecture materials and relevant contemporary and academic articles.