This module aims to introduce students to fundamental concepts relating to signals and systems in both time and frequency domains. The students will be equipped with analysis techniques based on mathematical series and transforms, which are essential to the analysis of signals and systems in various engineering applications, including circuits and systems analysis.
A Understand mathematical representations of continuous and discrete time signals, linear time invariant systems, and filters.
B Demonstrate a clear understanding of the use of Fourier Series to represent periodic continuous time signals, and the use of the Fourier Transform to represent finite energy signals.
C Demonstrate a clear understanding of the Laplace Transform, its properties and its use in circuits and systems analysis.
D Understand the z-transform, DTFT, DFT and their properties and use in circuits and systems analysis.
E Apply the theoretical knowledge obtained to the analysis of continuous and discrete signals and systems in both time and frequency domains.
This module will be delivered by a combination of formal lectures, problem-solving classes, and computer lab sessions.