The module aims to introduce students to Public Relations in general and to the running of multimedia PR campaigns in particular. It will include practical work of devising and implementing such campaigns within a multimedia environment. It will enable students to develop a problem-solving approach by formulating feasible PR objectives that will then be translated into coherent campaigns. To this purpose, the students will analyse the key roles and stages in the planning of a PR campaign, including background research, resource allocation and budgeting, pitching and managing communication with the client, identifying the targe and reach of the campaign, responding to potential crises, executing the PR campaign plan.
A Describe and analyse key concepts of PR
B Reflect upon the varying media used to run PR campaigns
C Reflect upon an extended PR campaign
D Demonstrate understanding of the stakeholders in PR campaigns
E Plan a video package to a given brief
F Publish a video package within a proto-professional online environment
Video shoots