The main aim of this module is to introduce the main design and implementation issues surrounding computer games, including gameplay, game physics, and content generation. It also aims to provide practical experience of developing a game using a game engine and covers some of the more significant professional issues related to working as a developer in the games industry.
A. understand core design issues related to the development of computer games;
B. analyze and evaluate the design of computer games;
C. implement a game of using an existing game engine individually and in a team-based environment;
D. demonstrate an awareness of professional and ethical issues in video games and the gaming industry.
The delivery of materials will be through a combination of lectures and tutorial/lab sessions. Regular tutorial and lab activities will focus on practical applications of issues and theories discussed in the lectures. The continuous assessment components (100%) will take the form of two individual assignments (30% + 40%) and a group project (30%). The assignments will be used to test to what extent practical skills have been learned. The two individual assignments are to allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the design principles of computer games, development skills. The group project is to allow students to put into practice their understanding of these principles and also to learn to use a game engine to develop a functional game designed by them within a team-based framework.