Module Catalogues

Future Cities

Module Title Future Cities
Module Level Level 0
Module Credits 2.50
Academic Year 2024/25
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

As an optional choice in Year 1, Semester 2, the module is not specific to a programme, and aims to provide knowledge that contributes to the university graduate attribute framework in a number of different curricula. It addresses, with a focus on sustainability, the ongoing transformations of the human habitat, pervading space as well as physical and digital infrastructures, and reshaping our future life and activities. Students will be introduced to the challenges posed in this area by the current climatic, societal and demographic changes, recognise the opportunities brought about by the latest technological advances, and appreciate how these can be directed and leveraged by innovative design at different scales.

Learning outcomes

A. Summarise sustainable development in the context of cities and identify the main contemporary challenges B. Identify and discuss the complex elements elements that constitute future cities and the factors that may influence their development C. Recognise the significance of a collaborative approach to complexity

Method of teaching and learning

The module is taught in weekly sessions articulated in a lecture and a seminar. The former provides the theoretical framework, while the latter elicits active learning through discussions, case studies and group activities. Seminars will also support students in the development of their coursework.