This module aims to equip students with the abilities to relate the electric circuit behavior with the principles of physics, to possess the basic circuit analytical skills and approaches in analyzing and solving steady-state and transient DC and AC circuits, and to interpret electric circuits in time-, frequency-, and s- domains.
A. Identify the various laws and theorems in electric circuit analysis, including the advantages and limitations of time-, frequency- and s-domain analyses. B. Apply steady-state and transient analysis of DC and AC circuits. C. Understand the characteristics of operational amplifiers and to conduct circuit analysis for op-amp circuits. D. Relate the principles of physics to electric circuit phenomenon (e.g., AC steady state, the influence of capacitor and inductor) in theoretical and/or actual circuits. E. Apply circuit analysis for switched circuits, in both sourcefree and driven conditions. F. Appraise Laplace transform as an alternative in analyzing electric circuits.
This module will be delivered through formal lectures, tutorials, and supervised laboratory sessions.