Module Catalogues

Research Project (Phase I)

Module Title Research Project (Phase I)
Module Level Level 4
Module Credits 20.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM2

Aims and Fit of Module

The aim is to provide students an opportunity to gain proper trainings and complete first phase of the research project proposed in ENV401 under the supervision of qualified academic staff.

Learning outcomes

A Demonstrate critical awareness of relevant literature B Obtain necessary technical, lab and/or field trainings relevant to the project C Critically evaluate the validity research methods after trial studies and make corrections/improvements if applicable D Produce a written research report using an appropriate academic style and structure E Demonstrate the ability to deliver formal oral presentations to a scientific audience

Method of teaching and learning

Weekly seminars will be provided to the students to present their progress and to discuss issues during project implementation with academic staff. Additional technical, lab and/or field trainings will be provided by their supervisors, technicians, or experienced PhD students if necessary.