Module Catalogues

Start Film and Television Production

Module Title Start Film and Television Production
Module Level Level 0
Module Credits 5.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM2

Aims and Fit of Module

The aim of this Year 1 module is to prepare students for study on the BA Television Production/Film and Television Production. The module teaches students, at a basic level, the component parts of a studio led news item including elements of single camera operation. The item will include a presenter and single pre-recorded video insert.

Learning outcomes

A.Understand basic operation of equipment linked to camera & lighting, sound, editing and graphics B.Based on a prescriptive news format, deliver a presenter led news item, with video insert and title card C.Demonstrate team working skills

Method of teaching and learning

Altogether there are seven weeks of instruction. Each week will consist of a full day of instruction. There are six lectures and six lab/ practical workshops associated with this module. Then, the seventh and final week will be dedicated to group work. Each lecture will be introductory to a subject area within the field. This will be followed by five hours of practical instruction and practice. Typically, there will be introductory sessions dedicated to the following elements: • camera & lighting • sound • editing • on screen/printed graphics • Ideas and ideas generation • Working in groups and group team building exercises • Preparation for assessment; module evaluation feedback Usually, the last two weeks will comprise of small and large group work that will culminate in the delivery of a group project.