Module Catalogues

Screenwriting Craft and Practice

Module Title Screenwriting Craft and Practice
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 10.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester ACYR

Aims and Fit of Module

This optional module runs across two semesters and is aimed at students who want to take up screenwriting seriously. It builds on the work that they have done at Level 4 in their Screenwrting module. The module provides an opportunity to the serious screen-writer to explore their craft by understanding the demands made on them by the profession of screenwriting.
Specifically, the module is designed to:
Enable student writers to further explore the relationship between the visual medium and the craft of storytelling
Give student writers a greater understanding of the theories and principles of writing fiction by producing coverage reports that examine scripts already written and films already made
Develop the ability to write treatements and pitch projects to industry
Find their creative voice by writing screenplays using professional software
Gain an understanding of writer contracts, fees, negotiations etc. so that they can conduct themselves at a professional level.

Learning outcomes

A Discuss, analyse and critique premises, outlines and screenplays, and write coverage reports
B Research and engage in the professional development process of screenwriting, including engaging in a writer’s recce
C Pitch screenplays both verbally and by creating a professional treatment
D Understand and apply the craft skills involved in writing for film by conceiving, developing and writing both a short film screenplay, and a longer, fuller script using industry standard software

Method of teaching and learning

There are no lectures for this module. Instead, there are intensive weekly 3 hour seminars where films will be viewed, analysed and coverage reports produced. Each semester will involve a total of 150 hours of study, thus making this module worth 300 hours of study.
The seminars will also concentrate on the craft of writing and polishing scripts.
During the writing periods, the seminars may be replaced with writing tasks.