Module Catalogues

Minor Digital Arts Project

Module Title Minor Digital Arts Project
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 5.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

This module is designed to allow the student to:
Display advanced specialist skills in the realization of a digital arts project to a given brief
Work to safe and healthy practices
Manage creative relationships within projects
Analyse the historical and conceptual context for their decisions within a project environment

Learning outcomes

A Deliver a high level of technical competence in a specialist area to realise a short sequence
B Present creative decisions to client/commissioning editor
C Work both autonomously and collaboratively within a project based environment
D Inform practice choices by placing them in a historical and conceptual framework

Method of teaching and learning

The teaching sessions are divided into three components (Lectures, tutorials and practical workshops).
A series of lectures will provide the understanding of specialist skills required when working within a client-based / commissioning environment and provide the historical and conceptual background to understand the project being undertaken.
The practical workshops will focus on digital media techniques and grammar from a specialist discipline stand point, effective project management and technical application of skills within practical exercises and demonstrations.
Tutorials will focus on reviewing work in progress and reflection.