Module Catalogues

Marketing and Distribution of Content in a Global Context

Module Title Marketing and Distribution of Content in a Global Context
Module Level Level 3
Module Credits 5.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

This module is designed to allow the student to:
Understand the importance of marketing and distribution globally and the factors that impact it
Develop a critical awareness of the cultural, political and economic factors that affect the marketing, distribution and exhibition of independent film in a global context
Examine the rise of streaming platforms and the way forward for content distribution
Use a range of sources, both electronic and print, for the purposes of research and presentation
Develop self-reflective practices and self-management skills

Learning outcomes

A Demonstrate a strong understanding of the relationship between audiences, marketing and distribution
B Demonstrate the ability to research and interpret information and experiences, formulate independent judgements, and articulate reasoned arguments through reflection, review and evaluation
C Critically appraise the changing contexts of marketing and distribution in a global context, especially the relationship between marketing spend, backend and profits
D Demonstrate the ability to think creatively about marketing and distribution solutions for given projects

Method of teaching and learning

The teaching sessions are divided into three components (Lectures, Seminars and tutorials).
Lectures will focus on case studies of film and television distribution models, markets and audiences
Seminars will focus on idea sharing and development notes
Tutorials will focus on research project shape, structure and content