Module Catalogues

Python for AI

Module Title Python for AI
Module Level Level 1
Module Credits 5.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM2

Aims and Fit of Module

This module is designed for students with no prior knowledge of Python or deep learning programming platform. It aims to introduce basic programming concepts using Python, followed by an introduction to the programming framework for deep learning. The module serves as a foundational course in the broader curriculum, enabling students to acquire the necessary skills to tackle more advanced topics in programming for machine learning. The focus will be on learning Python programming techniques and using programming platform for machine learning tasks using python machine learning libraries without going into the details of machine learning algorithms, to solve machine learning problems.

Learning outcomes

A Use basic Python syntax and programming constructs. B Use fundamental programming concepts such as variables, control structures, functions, classes and data structures. C Apply Python programming skills to solve machine learning problems.

Method of teaching and learning

This module is delivered as one two-hour lecture per week. Lectures will introduce students to the academic content and practical skills which are the subject of the module. Computer labs are arranged in six sessions where each session lasts four hours. The computer practical allows students to use those tools and practice the acquired techniques.