Module Catalogues

Introduction to Microcontroller

Module Title Introduction to Microcontroller
Module Level Level 0
Module Credits 2.50
Academic Year 2024/25
Semester SEM2

Aims and Fit of Module

This module aims to provide students with a fundamental knowledge of microcontrollers, the representative microsystems, and their practical applications in engineering field, such as robotics and relevant intelligent systems. It will develop students’ ability to solve engineering problems using Arduino or similar platforms.

Learning outcomes

A Familiarize with microelectronics, micro devices and microcontroller B Understand microcontrollers’ fundamental knowledge and their practical applications C Demonstrate abilities in construction of digital system with a microcontroller

Method of teaching and learning

The teaching philosophy of the module follows very much the philosophy of Syntegrative Education. This has meant that the teaching delivery pattern, which follows more intensive block teaching, allows more meaningful contribution from industry partners. This philosophy is carried through also in terms of assessment, with reduction on the use of exams and increase in coursework, especially problem-based assessments that are project focused. The delivery pattern provides space in the semester for students to concentrate on completing the assessments. This module will be delivered through lectures, seminars, tutorials and labs. Teaching will be through problem-based learning, with problems embedded in the lectures and use made of student response systems to provide formative assessment to the students. This module under block teaching mode will be delivered in 6 weeks pattern. The Seminar will take place in Week 1 and Lecturers will be Week 2 and Week 3. The tutorials and lab will take place from Week 4 to Week 6.