The module aims to give students a broad education in classical mechanics, fluids, oscillations, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and the physics of molecules and solids. After taking this module, students will be able to appreciate the importance of simplification of complex physical phenomena, the establishment of ideal models, and their extensions to more realistic descriptions of nature. The module will enable the development of students’ ability to think logically and independently, facilitate the acquisition of problem-solving skills and promote an understanding of how the real physical world works.
The laboratory component aims to provide an experimental foundation for the theoretical concepts introduced in the lectures, familiarize students with the experimental apparatus, the scientific method and tools of experimental data analysis, and to inspire students to creatively explore hypotheses through experimentation.
A. demonstrate an understanding of core knowledge in classical physics, including the major premises of classical mechanics, fluids, oscillations, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and the physics of molecules and solids
B. develop a familiarity with the experimental verification of our theoretical laws, and an ability to apply the theoretical framework to describe and predict the motions of bodies;
C. describe the ways in which various concepts in physics come into play in particular situations;
D. represent electromagnetic phenomena and fields mathematically in those situations;
E. use the scientific method to come to understand the enormous variety of mechanical and electromagnetic phenomena in terms of a few relatively simple laws.
Students are expected to attend six hours of weekly lectures from Week 7 to Week 13, which will enable them to realize Learning Outcomes C, D and E. Progress in understanding and mastering concepts will be evaluated through continuous assessment in the form of coursework assignments, as well as a written examination at the end of the semester. Lectures and coursework complement each other, with lectures providing the theories and model examples and coursework allowing students to apply the theories to real physical problems and further extend the models, thus realizing Learning Outcome A. Students are also expected to devote unsupervised time to private study, which includes the study of relevant chapters from the mandatory textbook and supplementary lecture notes. Students are encouraged to utilize AI tools and to critically explore the strengths and limitations of employing generative AI for enhancing their learning and comprehension of physics concepts, including understanding when generative AI works effectively and when it does not. To realize Learning Outcome B, students are required to attend all sessions of the physics lab section, which are projected to be two in number, each being two hours long. The sessions will be held in different weeks for different groups of students. They are expected to research each topic before coming to lab class. The pre-lab handout will give some background for study, and will include a few specific questions. For each lab, students are also required to submit formal lab reports.