To impart
(i) a firm grasp of the physical principles behind Special and General Relativity and their main consequences;
(ii) technical competence in the mathematical framework of the subjects - Lorentz transformation, coordinate transformations and geodesics in Riemann space;
(iii) knowledge of some of the classical tests of General Relativity - perihelion shift, gravitational deflection of light;
(iv) basic concepts of black holes and (if time) relativistic cosmology.
A. Understand why space-time forms a non-Euclidean four-dimensional manifold.
B. Perform calculations involving Lorentz transformations, energy-momentum conservation and the Christoffel symbols proficiently.
C. Understand the arguments leading to Einstein’s field equations, and how Newton’s law of gravity arises as a limiting case.
D. Explain the construction of the Schwarzschild solution and describe the trajectories of bodies within it.
This module will be delivered using formal lectures.