Module Catalogues

Programmable Logic Controllers and Network Communications

Module Title Programmable Logic Controllers and Network Communications
Module Level Level 2
Module Credits 2.50
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM2

Aims and Fit of Module

The Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Network Communications module offers the basic knowledge and skills of designing motor control circuits and using PLCs for establishing servo motor control systems, which are often implemented in robotic applications. The module aims to: 1. introduce the basic knowledge of motor control, and the basic knowledge of using PLC for motor control. 2. introduce the basic programming of PLC, and the methods of communication between PLC and other solid-state devices, such as variable frequency drive and servo motor drive. 3. enable students to develop the necessary skills to design and implement a simple servo control system to drive a servo motor.

Learning outcomes

A Describe typical motor control methods, including traditional control (hard-wired electromagnetic relay control) and modern control (based on solid-state devices, e.g. a PLC).
B Demonstrate knowledge of design simple motor control circuits, including both traditional control and modern control based circuits.
C Demonstrate knowledge and skill of PLC programming
D Demonstrate knowledge and skill of implementing network communication among PLC and other devices, e.g. lower level drives (variable frequency drives, servo motor drive) and upper level PCs, etc.
E Demonstrate knowledge and skill of design, integration and testing of a simple servo control system.

Method of teaching and learning

The teaching philosophy of the module follows very much the philosophy of Syntegrative Education. This has meant that the teaching delivery pattern, which follows more intensive block teaching, allows more meaningful contribution from industry partners. This philosophy is carried through also in terms of assessment, with reduction on the use of exams and increase in coursework, especially problem-based assessments that are project focused. The delivery pattern provides space in the semester for students to concentrate on completing the assessments. This module will be delivered through a combination of formal lectures, supervised laboratory sessions and a seminar. Various topics included in the module will be presented during the lectures. During the supervised laboratory sessions, students will develop the necessary skills to program a PLC and implement a simple servo control system. At the end, the module will be concluded with a review in the seminar. The module will be assessed by two lab-based coursework.