Module Catalogues

Politics, Society and Participation

Module Title Politics, Society and Participation
Module Level Level 4
Module Credits 5.00
Academic Year 2025/26
Semester SEM1

Aims and Fit of Module

The module aims to give students a good understanding of the theories of politics, public policy and community participation, and train them to apply these theories to urban regeneration policy making and project implementation

Learning outcomes

A. Critically relate and explain the importance of politics and public policy as it impacts public participation theory and practice
B. Identify participation policies and the factors that influence participation policy decisions
C. Summarize the natures of interest group politics and the structure of political systems both in China and abroad as they impact the theory and practice of participation in urban planning
D. Account for the diverse values of communities and the theories of public participation
E. Devise systems of public engagement and community capacity building in urban planning and design

Method of teaching and learning

The method of teaching will be lectures, seminars and tutorials. The seminars will be opportunities for students to have input on topics related to this module. Some guidance will be given to students beforehand to structure these seminars but students will takes turns to lead and foster discussion amongst their colleagues and lecturers. Where possible, experts in the areas of discussion will be invited to attend. Tutorials will be offered to review lecture content, to provide question and answer sessions, as well as to help students prepare for coursework.