Module Catalogues

# Domain Code Mod Code Full Name Semester
1 MTH MTH446 Dissertation SEM1
2 MTH MTH442 Quantitative Risk Management SEM2
3 MTH MTH445 Computational Geometry SEM2
4 MTH MTH002 Multivariable Calculus and Statistics SEM2
5 MTH MTH004 Multivariable Calculus (Business and Arts) SEM2
6 MTH MTH007 Linear Algebra SEM1
7 MTH MTH008 Multivariable Calculus (Science and Engineering) SEM2
8 MTH MTH012 Introduction to Insurance SEM2
9 MTH MTH013 Calculus (Science and Engineering) SEM1
10 MTH MTH014 Multivariable Calculus (Architecture) SEM2
11 MTH MTH015 Introductory Linear Algebra SEM1
12 MTH MTH016 Introduction to Financial Modelling SEM2
13 MTH MTH017 Linear Algebra for Mathematical Science SEM1
14 MTH MTH019 Calculus for Business SEM1
15 MTH MTH020 Introductory Mathematical Modelling SEM1
16 MTH MTH022 Mathematical and Statistical Models SEM2
17 MTH MTH023 Introductory Calculus II SEM1
18 MTH MTH025 Pre-Calculus SEM1
19 MTH MTH027 Introductory Calculus I SEM1
20 MTH MTH029 Calculus (Mathematical Sciences) SEM1
21 MTH MTH101 Engineering Mathematics I SEM1
22 MTH MTH102 Engineering Mathematics II SEM2
23 MTH MTH104 Introduction to Statistics SEM2
24 MTH MTH106 Introduction to the Methods of Applied Mathematics SEM2
25 MTH MTH107 Advanced Linear Algebra SEM1
26 MTH MTH108 Dynamic Modelling SEM2
27 MTH MTH113 Introduction to Probability and Statistics SEM1
28 MTH MTH113TC Introduction to Probability and Statistics SEM1
29 MTH MTH116 Foundations of Financial Computing SEM2
30 MTH MTH117 Analysis 1 SEM1
31 MTH MTH118 Analysis 2 SEM2
32 MTH MTH120 Theory of Interest SEM2
33 MTH MTH122 Introduction to Abstract Algebra SEM2
34 MTH MTH123 Differential Equations for Engineers SEM1
35 MTH MTH125 Real Analysis for Financial Mathematics SEM1
36 MTH MTH126 Differential Equations With Computer Solutions SEM2
37 MTH MTH127 Probability for Actuarial Science SEM1
38 MTH MTH201 Engineering Mathematics III SEM1
39 MTH MTH202 Introduction to Financial Mathematics SEM1
40 MTH MTH202 Introduction to Financial Mathematics SEM2
41 MTH MTH203 Introduction To Operational Research SEM2
42 MTH MTH205 Introduction to Statistical Methods SEM1
43 MTH MTH206 Statistical Distribution Theory SEM1
44 MTH MTH207 Vector Fields: Theory and Applications SEM1
45 MTH MTH208 Numerical Analysis SEM2
46 MTH MTH209 Classical Mechanics SEM2
47 MTH MTH210 Partial Differential Equations SEM2
48 MTH MTH212 Ordinary Differential Equations and Control SEM1
49 MTH MTH214 Life Insurance Mathematics II SEM2
50 MTH MTH217 Life Insurance Mathematics I SEM1
51 MTH MTH219 Complex Functions SEM1
52 MTH MTH222 Financial Engineering (I):Advanced Modelling and Derivative Securities SEM2
53 MTH MTH223 Mathematical Risk Theory SEM2
54 MTH MTH224 Metric Spaces SEM2
55 MTH MTH227 Fluid Mechanics and Vector Fields for Engineering SEM1
56 MTH MTH229 Discrete Mathematics SEM1
57 MTH MTH230 Symmetries In Geometry SEM2
58 MTH MTH232 Stochastic Processes And Calculus SEM2
59 MTH MTH233 Foundations of Quantitative Investments SEM2
60 MTH MTH234 Quantitative Finance with Programming SEM2
61 MTH MTH301 Final Year Project ACYR
62 MTH MTH302 Applied Probability SEM2
63 MTH MTH303 Linear Statistical Models SEM1
64 MTH MTH305 Risk Management SEM1
65 MTH MTH306 Credibility Theory SEM2
66 MTH MTH307 Population Dynamics SEM1
67 MTH MTH308 Mathematical Models of Solids and Fluids SEM2
68 MTH MTH310 Functional Analysis SEM2
69 MTH MTH312 Stochastic Modeling in Insurance and Finance SEM1
70 MTH MTH313 Loss Distribution SEM1
71 MTH MTH315 Geometry of Curves and Surfaces SEM1
72 MTH MTH316 Applied Multivariate Statistics SEM2
73 MTH MTH318 Optimisation Theory SEM2
74 MTH MTH319 Financial Engineering(II): Numerical Methods and Asset Models SEM1
75 MTH MTH321 Numerical Analysis Of Partial Differential Equations SEM1
76 MTH MTH322 Probability Measures And Asset Pricing SEM2
77 MTH MTH323 Topology SEM1
78 MTH MTH401 Computational Methods in Finance I SEM1
79 MTH MTH402 Fixed Income Securities SEM2
80 MTH MTH403 Introduction to Pricing and Hedging SEM1
81 MTH MTH404 Statistical Methods in Finance SEM2
82 MTH MTH405 Financial Econometrics SEM1
83 MTH MTH406 Arbitrage, Equilibrium and Pricing SEM2
84 MTH MTH408 Computational Methods in Finance II SEM2
85 MTH MTH409 Portfolio Theory and Risk Management SEM1
86 MTH MTH411 Dissertation SEM1
87 MTH MTH412 Database Management SEM1
88 MTH MTH413 Mathematics And Statistics For Data Science SEM1
89 MTH MTH414 Statistical Learning With Applications In Python SEM2
90 MTH MTH415 Optimization Algorithms For Data Science SEM2
91 MTH MTH416 Neural Networks And Deep Learning SEM2
92 MTH MTH417 Dissertation ACYR
93 MTH MTH418 Theory And Applications Of Partial Differential Equations SEM1
94 MTH MTH419 Scientific Computing SEM2
95 MTH MTH420 Measures And Integrals SEM1
96 MTH MTH432 Actuarial Modelling SEM2
97 MTH MTH433 Actuarial Mathematics SEM1
98 MTH MTH434 Life Insurance Mathematics SEM2
99 MTH MTH435 Stochastic Modelling in Actuarial Science SEM1
100 MTH MTH436 Advanced Statistical Learning Theory SEM2
101 MTH MTH438 Corporate Finance for Insurance SEM2
102 MTH MTH439 Dissertation Project SEM1
103 MTH MTH443 Advanced Topics In Operational Research SEM1
104 MTH MTH444 Calculus Of Variations And Optimal Control SEM2
105 MTH MTH447 Deep Learning in Finance SEM2
106 MTH MTH448 Quantitative Finance with Applications SEM2