Module Catalogues

# Domain Code Mod Code Full Name Semester
1 INS INS006 Introduction to International Relations SEM2
2 INS INS101 Contemporary International Relations SEM1
3 INS INS102 International Political Economy SEM2
4 INS INS103 World History: Twentieth Century to Today SEM1
5 INS INS104 History of the Americas SEM2
6 INS INS105 Regional Integration: The Case of Europe SEM1
7 INS INS106 East and Southeast Asia: The Pacific Century SEM2
8 INS INS107 International Politics of Development in Africa SEM1
9 INS INS108 Foundations in Political Science SEM1
10 INS INS108 Foundations in Political Science SEM2
11 INS INS201 Managing the World: the Role of International Institutions SEM1
12 INS INS202 International Relations Research Methods SEM2
13 INS INS301 International Relations Study Abroad SEM1
14 INS INS302 International Relations: Final Year Project ACYR
15 INS INS303 Foreign Policy Analysis SEM1
16 INS INS304 Sino-European Relations: A Critical Approach SEM2
17 INS INS305 Country Study SEM1
18 INS INS306 US Intelligence and Foreign Policy SEM2
19 INS INS308 Public Policy and Cultural Diplomacy SEM2
20 INS INS310 Finding Solutions: Development Theory and Practice SEM2
21 INS INS312 International Communications SEM2
22 INS INS401 Current Debates and Research Design in International Relations SEM1
23 INS INS402 Conflict and International Intervention SEM1
24 INS INS403 Regional Integration and Globalisation SEM1
25 INS INS404 China in the World SEM2
26 INS INS405 Critical Security Studies SEM2
27 INS INS406 War and Peace in the Asia Pacific SEM2
28 INS INS407 Global Transformations and Crises SEM1
29 INS INS408 Advanced Research Methods for International Relations SEM2
30 INS INS409 International Relations Dissertation SEM1
31 INS INS410 Transnational Corporations and Global Challenges SEM2
32 INS INS411 International Management and Global Institutions SEM1
33 INS INS413 International Business and Global Affairs Dissertation ACYR
34 INS INS413 International Business and Global Affairs Dissertation SEM1
35 INS INS414 Research Methods for International Business SEM2