Module Catalogues

# Domain Code Mod Code Full Name Semester
1 CAN CAN210 Digital Signal Processing SEM2
2 CAN CAN312 Applied Electromagnetics and Antennas SEM1
3 CAN CAN307 Radio Propagation and Microwave Circuits SEM2
4 CAN CAN102 Electromagnetism and Electromechanics SEM2
5 CAN CAN201 Introduction to Networking SEM1
6 CAN CAN202 Analogue and Digital Communications I SEM2
7 CAN CAN206 RF Engineering and Applied Electromagnetics SEM2
8 CAN CAN207 Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems SEM1
9 CAN CAN209 Advanced Electrical Circuits and Electromagnetics SEM1
10 CAN CAN301 Mobile Computing SEM1
11 CAN CAN302 Technologies for E-Commerce SEM2
12 CAN CAN303 Analogue and Digital Communications II SEM1
13 CAN CAN304 Computer Systems Security SEM2
14 CAN CAN305 Antennas SEM1
15 CAN CAN306 Photonics and Optical Communication Systems SEM2
16 CAN CAN308 Wireless systems SEM2
17 CAN CAN309 Information Theory and Data Communications SEM1
18 CAN CAN310 Signal Processing and Digital Filtering SEM2
19 CAN CAN311 Wireless Sensor Networks-based IoT SEM1
20 CAN CAN401 Cloud Computing SEM1
21 CAN CAN402 Social Web Programming SEM2
22 CAN CAN403 Advanced Signal Processing SEM2
23 CAN CAN404 Social Network Analysis SEM2
24 CAN CAN405 Data Communication and Communication Networks SEM1
25 CAN CAN406 Multimedia Communications SEM2
26 CAN CAN407 Mobile Communications SEM2
27 CAN CAN408 Coding and Cryptography SEM2
28 CAN CAN409 Information Security SEM2