Module Catalogues

# Domain Code Mod Code Full Name Semester
1 IOTTC IOT210TC Computer Architecture and Operating Systems SEM1
2 IOTTC IOT211TC Requirement Analysis and Design of Mobile Applications for IoT SEM1
3 IOTTC IOT212TC Wireless Sensor Networks and Communication Protocols SEM2
4 IOTTC IOT213TC RF Engineering and RFID SEM2
5 IOTTC IOT214TC Embedded Systems SEM2
6 IOTTC IOT215TC Machine Learning for IoT SEM2
7 IOTTC IOT308TC Programming Mobile Applications for loT SEM1
8 IOTTC IOT309TC Information Security Technology of IoT SEM1
9 IOTTC IOT310TC loT for Smart Cities SEM2
10 IOTTC IOT311TC loT for Smart Health SEM2
11 IOTTC IOT312TC loT for Smart Living SEM2
12 IOTTC IOT313TC loT for Smart Industry SEM2
13 IOTTC IOT201TC Control Technology of IoT SEM2
14 IOTTC IOT202TC Data Structure and Algorithms SEM1
15 IOTTC IOT209TC Introduction to Networking SEM1
16 IOTTC IOT001 Fundamentals of Internet of Things SEM1
17 IOTTC IOT003 Introduction to IoT programming SEM1
18 IOTTC IOT103TC Computer Architecture and Operating Systems SEM1
19 IOTTC IOT104TC Introduction to Internet of Things SEM2
20 IOTTC IOT105TC IoT in Organizations SEM2
21 IOTTC IOT106TC Big Data Analytics SEM2
22 IOTTC IOT203TC Sensor Technology SEM2
23 IOTTC IOT205TC Group Project: IoT in Action SEM2
24 IOTTC IOT206TC Information Security Technology of IoT SEM2
25 IOTTC IOT207TC Radio Communication Protocols SEM2
26 IOTTC IOT208TC RF Engineering and Applied Electromagnetics SEM2
27 IOTTC IOT302TC Wireless Sensor Networks SEM1
28 IOTTC IOT303TC Principle and Application of RFID SEM2
29 IOTTC IOT304TC Cloud Computing SEM2
30 IOTTC IOT305TC Final Year Project ACYR
31 IOTTC IOT306TC Image Processing SEM2
32 IOTTC IOT307TC Big Data Analytics SEM1
33 IOTTC IOT314TC Signal Processing for IoT SEM1