Module Catalogues

# Domain Code Full Name Department Code
1 ACC Accounting ACC
2 APH Academy of Pharmacy AOPHA
3 ARC Architecture ARC
4 BIO Biological Sciences BIO
5 BNV Built Environment UPD
6 BUS International Business School IBSS
7 CAN Communications and Networking CAN
8 CATTC Cultural Technology ATE
9 CCS China Studies CCS
10 CCT Chinese Culture CCTC
11 CEN Civil Engineering CEN
12 CHE Chemistry CHE
13 CLT Chinese Language MLC
14 COM Media and Communication COM
15 CPT Computing CPT
16 DES Design DES
17 DTSTC Data Science AAC
18 EAP English for Academic Purposes ELC
19 ECO Economics ECO
20 EDS Educational Studies EDS
21 EEE Electrical and Electronic Engineering EEE
22 ENT Entrepreneurship EEH
23 ENV Environmental Sciences HES
24 FIN Finance FIN
25 FTA Film and TV FTA
26 GCR Global Citizenship & Research-led Learning LIFE
27 HSS Humanities and Social Sciences HSS
28 IET Industry and Enterprise Tailored Education LIFE
29 IFBTC Intelligent Finance and Business IFS
30 IND Industrial Design IND
31 INS International Studies INS
32 INT Intelligent Science INT
33 IOM Intelligent Operations and Marketing IOM
34 IOTTC Internet of things IOT
35 JPL Japanese Language MLC
36 LAN Comprehensive Use of Language ELC
37 LIF Lifelong Learning LIFE
38 LIT Literature LTS
39 LNG Applied Linguistics LNG
40 MEC Mechatronics and Robotics MEC
41 MESTC Microelectronic Science and Engineering CHP
42 MFETC Manufacturing Engineering IME
43 MTH Mathematical Sciences MTH
44 PGC Professional Studies EDU
45 PHE Physical Education PHE
46 PHY Physics PHY
47 RBETC Robotics IRE
48 SAT School of Advanced Technology SAT
49 SCI Science SCI
50 SMO Strategic Management and Organizations SMO
51 SPA Spanish MLC
52 TRI Translation and Interpreting LTS
53 UPD Urban Planning and Design UPD
54 XPU XIPU AI general education LIFE
55 LM